Add new products

Import products

The most efficient way to add new products is to import them via the csv importer. To do so, you have to provide a valid csv file with your products. In order to provide a valid data structure you have to map your csv headers to our database properties. This is done by the importer widget. Simply add your csv file and upload it.


Make sure to select the right encoding.

Once the file is uploaded the screen is changed to a mapper interface where you can choose which of our database properties matches with your csv headers.

Required fields are:

  • Productnumber
  • Name
  • Order unit
  • Price

This is a very important step so please take your time for a careful mapping. As this step takes quite some time we have created an intelligent mapping. We try to indentify common mappings for you and preselect them in the interface. And to make it even more convenient we will store your mapping, so once you upload another file with new products you can reuse your personal mapping in order to safe time.

Once you successfully have created the mapping, the csv file is ready to be imported. However this is not done directly. As creating new products with all their dependencies, e.g. media files, can take some time this import job is passed to a gearman worker which starts to import your products once the system is ready to do so. Once the import is finished an email will be send to the email address defined in your sulu account and a reindex script for elasticsearch will push your products to the elasticsearch index.


Images should always be uploaded before running the product import.

Add Product manually

Adding a new product manually is very easy. Open your Sulu admin interface and navigate to the PIM section. Add a new product and make sure you support at least the required fields. Once you click save, the product is stored to the database. There are two product states activ and inactive to choose if your product should be visible in the shop or not.