Product detail page

How to reach it

All product detail pages can be opened by browsing /products/<productId>. This is the permanent product url. It will be extended by the urlencoded product title in order to improve the seo behavoir of the shop.

Product details

The basic product details are shown on the detail page such as title, short and long description, product number, existing product attributes. These information are fetched by the database as it is very important to display the real up to date data to the user.

Ratings box

The ratings box shows the product rating based on all rates been given for this product and a link to customer reviews. Each user is allowed to rate a product once.

Supplier box

The supplier is displayed on the detail page. All important information is shown such as the name, the address and the contact data.

Cart widget - prices

All product detail pages provide the cart widget which enables the user to add a certain product to his shopping cart. The cart widget also displays the product prices. Prices means that there is generally a basic price, however there could also be a scale price.

Check the Shopping Cart section for more information.

Other supplier widget

As many different suppliers can offer the same product, there is a other supplier widget to show the user some more offers for the same product. To detect identical products a product must provide a global trading number. To improve the loading speed and the query time this list is provided by elasticsearch.

Similar products widget

For helping the user to find more products, there is a very useful widget which displays a list of similar prodcuts. This feature is implemented by an elasticsearch more like this query which compares the current product with other products in the index. If products with a similarity are detected they are returned and displayed.